
Giant white knee tarantula Care sheet

Giant white knee tarantula Care sheet

Giant white knee tarantula Care sheet

Giant white knee tarantula natural history

The Giant white knee tarantula, or Brazilian white knee tarantula is a large new-world species of Tarantula originating from Brazil where it takes refuse in rainforest burrows and foliage. They’re quite a large species with striking white lines on their legs contrasting against their dark brown body.

This species is generally quite bold but docile, and rarely kicks hair or exhibits aggressive behaviour, although if they feel threatened, they are likely to show a defensive pose and do still have the potential to kick urticating hairs which can be quite painful and cause irritation.

Giant white knee tarantula housing

Due to their larger size, Giant white knees need a bigger space than some other species to allow enough space for movement and for a deep substrate layer to allow them to burrow. We recommend a minimum enclosure size of 45 x 45 x 30cm (18 x 18 x 12”), with 60 x 45 x 30cm (24 x 18 x 12″) being a better choice for large adult females.

Giant white knee tarantula heating

Brazilian giant white knee tarantulas do best with a warm spot temperature of around 26°C (78°F), although temperatures between 22-26°C (71-78°F) are fine. This is usually achieved without much intervention, although you may need to purchase a heat mat and an on/off mat stat thermostat to regulate the temperature in cooler homes.

It is important to use at least one accurate thermometer to monitor the temperature in your Tarantula enclosure, to identify if you need to purchase additional heating equipment or to identify any potential faults with any heating equipment you may be using.

Giant white knee tarantula lighting

Like other Tarantulas, the Brazilian white knee tarantula does not require any specialist lighting to thrive. You may wish to install a small LED light to your Tarantula’s set-up for your own viewing pleasure, but this will make no difference to the Tarantula itself so isn’t a necessity.

Giant white knee tarantula humidity

Giant white knee tarantulas do best with a humidity ranging between 70-80%. This can be achieved by misting the enclosure daily or every other day depending on how well the humidity holds. You can use an accurate hygrometer to keep a track of this and mist only when needed.

Giant white knee tarantula substrate

In order to keep up the humidity and provide your Tarantula with burrowing opportunities, we recommend using coco soil or a coco coil mix substrate for this species. There are many commercial spider substrates available designed specifically for this purpose, such as ProRep Spider Life or The Spider Shop Earth Tiger Tarantula Substrate.

Giant white knee tarantula decor

Since Giant white knees like to burrow, they will not care much for decor on the surface, but will appreciate a hiding cave so that they have a place to shelter when outside of their complex burrow. One essential piece of ‘decor’, however, is a shallow water dish for your Tarantula to drink from.

You may also wish to decorate the enclosure with live plants or artificial plants and other decor pieces for aesthetics, but this is entirely down to personal preference.

Giant white knee tarantula diet

Giant white knee tarantulas, like other species, are insectivorous so should be fed on a varied diet of livefoods including crickets, locusts, mealworms and other livefood options.

It is important to remove uneaten livefood after a little while as they can pose a threat to your Tarantula, particularly if they are freshly moulted.

Giant white knee tarantula care sheet at a glance

Common names: Giant white knee tarantula, Brazilian white knee tarantula, Brazilian giant white knee

Scientific name: Acanthoscurria geniculata

Country: Brazil

Captive-bred: Yes

Adult size: 18-22cm (7-8″)

Natural habitat: Rainforest habitats

Housing: 45 x 45 x 30cm (18 x 18 x 12”)

Ideal temperature: 22-26°C (71-78°F)


Ideal humidity: 70-80%

Diet: Insectivorous

Average lifespan: 3-20+ years (sex dependent)

Personality: Defensive

Easy of handling: Handling should be avoided

Cohabitable: No

Giant white knee tarantula shopping list

  • 45 x 45 x 30cm (18 x 18 x 12”) enclosure minimum
  • Heat source (if needed)
  • Thermostat (if needed)
  • Digital thermometer
  • Water dish
  • Substrate
  • Hide and decor
  • Spray bottle

While you’re thinking about caring for your new Tarantula, why not take a look through our range of Invertebrate starter kits? Designed so that you can get everything you need to get started in one go, at a great price!

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